A cryptocurrency wallet that allows users to be the only owners of their private keys is a standard practice to enhance wallet security. The concept of cryptocurrencies is to shift control to the hands of the end users.
Such a cryptocurrency wallet enables users to gain full ownership of their funds, enhancing security and eliminating the reliance on third parties. It is important for users to choose wallet types that allow them to enjoy exclusive ownership and maximum safety. You can find step-by-step instructions to get started with Torus here. Torus is the super easy-to-use crypto wallet that allows you to login with your social media profiles, so is perfect for new users. You can find step-by-step instructions to get started with MetaMask here. MetaMask is the most widely used Ethereum wallet across the NFT and cryptocurrency space. For the ease of users, MetaMask or Torus are the wallet integrations recommended as the ideal browser extensions. These wallet settings can help in ETH and token fee management such that users can make the right trade-offs when it comes to confirmation times, transaction volume and network fees.Swappable supports several Ethereum wallet integrations as presented in the figure above. Reducing Fees Further - BitGo also provides customizable wallet settings that can be adjusted for each client’s use cases or needs.With this feature, you can maintain different queues for broadcasting transactions at different speeds, which not only reduces your transaction fees but increases your transaction throughput. The BitGo system is also highly flexible and lets you use multiple fee addresses per enterprise. Users can accelerate transactions with either the BitGo API or the BitGo web UI. Accelerating Transactions - A high performant wallet is crucial to saving fees.In addition, batching can be done when gas prices are low which significantly increases savings in transaction fees, especially for high volume customers. This batching of transactions reduces the cost of a withdrawal.

Smart contract receive addresses are operationally better as all the ETH fees for the wallet are taken from a manageable number of addresses. BitGo deploys highly optimized smart contracts using Factories and proxies to reduce creation costs as much as possible. Forwarder contracts are deployed when funds are received, not at generation time.They forward Ethereum to the base multi-sig wallet so that no additional consolidation transactions are required. This reduces the number of unused addresses and lowers the cost. These contracts let you interact with, and send funds to, a receive address before it exists on-chain. Deploying CREATE2 Addresses - BitGo uses CREATE2 to deploy addresses for smart contracts.It is technically possible to withdraw without any consolidation, however the wallet loses some level of accountability, transparency and efficiency with such a model. Both ETH and tokens must be pooled in some manner before a withdrawal can occur. Sending Transactions - Enterprise wallets usually process a large number of withdrawals and transaction fees change based on the type of withdrawal - for example, users can withdraw to a single-sig account or interact with DeFi.This is operationally problematic for non-contract wallets as you need ETH to move tokens. Ethereum token transactions cannot be pooled automatically like ETH - they need to be consolidated with separate transactions. Consolidating Tokens - For users who support a large number of tokens, token management is critical for reducing ETH transaction fees.Forwarder contracts have a one time cost for deployment but do not incur additional costs for pooling. Addresses can either be created as single-sig, which do not have a one time cost, or with forwarder contracts which pool funds together. Creating Addresses - For enterprise wallets, receive addresses are a critical feature: they allow incoming funds to be easily differentiated and accounted for while remaining pooled together.

There are 3 main processes that require fee management for Ethereum wallets: